Smart ways to keep your marriage healthy

1. Watch your waistline… (Great advice!) 4. Make sex a priority-but not a chore… (even pastors agree with this one… Amen!) 7. Gab a little to your friend.  Hmmm??? What do you think of this one?

Married people don’t really want to tell their friends those things their husband or wife trusts to be keep behind closed doors.   So what can you do if you are wondering if you are the only one dealing with a similar situation?  … “I have this friend whose husband has been…” Ah! Major transparent fail!

And, hopefully the confidant doesn’t get bored and tell Your story about “this friend” at the school fundraiser get-together.  What’s wild is when that delicate (and very interesting) story gets told and retold, then back to the original (and shocked) couple in that community… It happens!

When I ask people for their… why they left and then wanted to go back to a relationship, stories for Cherries Over Quicksand… they know I will be changing their name, hair color and maybe their height and weight when I write their hidden romance lessons for others to learn from, so they’re ready to help other couples in any way they can… and I’ve been told that it’s kind of cool to be written as a 6’2″ cowboy in black boots!

I like the attached  CNN article, but how do you ask a friend about your ‘behind closed doors’ concerns? or should you?